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Ready for an objective voice in addressing
your marketing strategy--a voice that keeps
your goals and budget in focus? Need a
helping hand to free your time so you can
focus on your business? Contact BrandVision
today to set up a meeting or tele-conference
with an Account Manager.
BrandVIsion Marketing
8913 Town and Country Circle #1077
Knoxville, TN 37923
e: info@brandvisionmarketing.com
p: 865.531.5874
Nearly every non-internet oriented
brand has been built with the aid of
advertising strategies such as
television, radio, print and outdoor.
BrandVision assists with planning the
buy and creative as well as
implementing and monitoring the
media plan.
© All Rights Reserved. BrandVision Marketing. 2024. Powered and Hosted by BrandVision Marketing.
BrandVision offers traditional
media strategic options...
Brands built without the communication
modes of Television, Radio, Print and Outdoor
advertising are rare. BrandVision offers
Traditional Advertising strategies designed to
reach your prospects and/or customers
efficiently and with messages that relay brand
continuity. From Concept to Production,
BrandVision handles every aspect.
BrandVision Marketing identifies your target
audience and then creates advertising that
speaks to that audience. Media is then
targeted that will expose your message to the
right consumers. BrandVision works with
media sales representatives to identify key
media placements to make that connection
happen! For you, the client, it’s all turnkey.
You approve the budget and
advertising...BrandVision places and manages
the buy from there!
BrandVision Marketing
implements the plan, developing
the creative production. We then
monitor results against past sales
figures and the goal...
...Offering you a turnkey solution
to advertising!
BrandVision Marketing works with
media to develop an advertising
plan within the scope of your
business’ budget. AND...we
develop the creative that hones in
on your unique selling proposition
to the customer.
You sign off on the Advertising
The Process is Easy...
BrandVision Marketing meets with
you to determine your goals and
other pertinent sales information,
including your media budget.
Few non-internet brands have been built
without utilizing some form of mass media
advertising strategies. Even with the rise in
Internet Marketing and Social Media,
traditional advertising media are still a
tried-and-true method to communicate
your brand’s attributes to a target audience.
BrandVision Marketing, a full-service
marketing and advertising agency based in
Knoxville, TN, provides advertising
management which includes creation of the
advertising. BrandVision provides analysis
of media plans to assess the best fit for
your audience. Once the client signs off on
the plan, BrandVision manages the Media
Buys, including the creative efforts.
Each month the client recieves an overview
of their plan. This overview tracks sales
versus historical data to provide an accurate
assessment of the programs sucess. The
program is then monitored versus the goals
and tweaked as needed.
Sample TV and Radio Spots…
Gazebo at Waterford Cove--Community
Ralph Brown & Assc.--Auto Accident
Regal Spot-FHBT
First Central Bank--On Target
Ralph Brown & Assc.--Chris Lofton
RBA & Salvation Army
The Home Bank--Welcome Home
Agency clients receive a monthly report
detailing the month’s marketing along
with sales results. See the sample above.